About Us – Underwater

About Us


We are the leading company in the ROV training sector, offering a comprehensive range of services to meet the needs of the offshore industry. Focusing on training, competency certification and ROV accessibility studies using 3D simulators, we are committed to providing high quality and reliable solutions.


Our history is marked by strategic partnerships and an experienced management team, bringing know-how from more than 20 years of work in the offshore market. We are dedicated to boosting our customers’ success and taking ROV operations to the next level.


Since 2016, UNDERWATER has been proud to be part of the successful Joint Venture with GRi Simulations Inc., a Canadian leader in simulations for the offshore industry. Our partnership aims to offer high-performance ROV training and simulators, standing out for its excellence, innovation and contribution to safety in global offshore operations.



Commitment to Security

UNDERWATER ensures safety in ROV training through rigorous protocols, realistic simulations and highly qualified instructors. Our courses highlight safe practices for offshore operations, aiming for maximum safety during activities.


Pedagogical Excellence

We develop training programs based on innovative pedagogical methodologies, providing a high-quality educational experience. Our instructors are experts in the ROV industry, ensuring exceptional training.


Technological innovation

We incorporate advanced technologies into our training, reflecting the latest trends in the ROV industry. We keep our approach up-to-date to deliver instruction aligned with the latest technological developments.


Ethics and Professional Integrity

We follow strict ethical standards in all of our training and certification practices. We promote professional integrity among our instructors and participants, ensuring an ethical and respectful environment.


Sustainable development

We consider sustainable practices in our training, minimizing environmental impacts. We continually look for ways to make our operations more environmentally friendly by aligning ourselves with environmentally responsible practices.


Adaptation to Industry Needs

We constantly adapt to meet the evolving demands of the ROV industry. We adjust our training programs to reflect the latest trends, ensuring our participants are prepared for industry challenges.


Diversity and Inclusion

We promote diversity and inclusion in our training programs. We encourage an inclusive learning environment, respecting the diversity of experiences and perspectives among our participants.


Long-Term Relationships

We build long-term relationships with participants and partners in the ROV industry based on trust and mutual commitment. We value customer and employee loyalty as an integral part of our values.


Continuous Assessment and Improvement

We constantly evaluate our ROV training programs, seeking feedback from participants and implementing continuous improvements. Our approach aims to ensure the constant quality of the courses offered.